The environmental footprint of buildings is increasingly important in the construction world.
Patrick Lavoie, Senior sustainability scientist at FPInnovations, recently presented at a webinar organized by Cecobois on this topic. The webinar offered an overview of the environmental footprint of wood buildings and the strategic development and positioning opportunities for manufacturers and industry professionals by addressing the themes of energy efficient buildings, design for deconstruction, cascade recycling and environmental design.
Recording of the video is below (in French only).
For more information on the topic of the environmental footprint of wood buildings, we invite you to check out the links below.
FPInnovations articles:
- Building with wood: A big piece of the puzzle of decarbonizing the economy by 2050
- The future of carbon footprint of sustainable construction
- Here’s how the forest sector can help mitigate climate change
- Quebec’s forest sector: A secret weapon again climate change
Industry partners:
- FPAC: UN FAO Report Outlines How Wood-Based Products Fight Climate Change
- Forestry for the Future: Mass Timber Construction
- The Canadian Wood Council: Why build with wood?
- Think Wood: Understanding the Role of Embodied Carbon in Climate Smart Buildings
- Cecobois: Why build with wood?
News articles:
- VOX: The hottest new thing in sustainable building is, uh, wood
- The New York Times: As Concerns Over Climate Change Rise, More Developers Turn to Wood
- BBC: Could wooden buildings be a solution to climate change?
- Yale News: Wood buildings could combat climate change, study finds
- Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research: Buildings can become a global CO2 sink if made out of wood instead of cement and steel