Fibre supply


What are the problems faced by the industry in this area?
Imprecise and spatially weak forest inventory information, and difficulty in operationalizing remote sensing and lidar data
How to foster diverse fibre usage and resilient fibre supply to mitigate decreasing AAC and tailor usage to emerging bioeconomy
Lack of markets to utilize the entire fibre basket
Sector ability to lead in low carbon economy is limited by the amount of economical fibre available
Underutilized and low value sources of fibre may be key
Climate change and its impacts (e.g., pest, wildfire, drought) negatively affect fibre availability and quality


What does FPInnovations do to address the challenges?
Accelerate responsive remote sensing and fibre inventory solutions
Develop an analytical platform to evaluate a wide range of fibre supply, demand, and intensification strategies
Reduce cost of harvesting and collection of biomass
Improve biomass and residues supply and logistic
Biomass supply chain integration