The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that land-use related solutions, including forestry, can play a crucial role in climate change mitigation. Among the high-potential forestry solutions identified by the IPCC are afforestation and reforestation practices, sustainable forest management, and replacing high-intensity GHG products with wood products and forest biomass. These solutions can be applied in a Canadian context where deforestation is not an issue.
An integrated approach leveraging the synergy between forest management actions, carbon storage in long-lived forest products, and substitution in the marketplace would enable the forest sector to play an important role in the fight against climate change over the coming decades.
It is in this context that the Groupe de travail sur la forêt et les changements climatiques (GTFCC – Working Group on Forests and Climate Change) examined how Québec’s forest sector could help mitigate climate change. The working group’s conclusions are relevant across Canada.
>> Here are the results of the study <<
You would like more information on this topic? Contact Patrick Lavoie or Vincent Blanchard.