FPInnovations’ Roads and Infrastructure group introduces its latest guide Streambed Simulation: Monitoring and Maintaining a Fish-Friendly Culvert Crossing, the fourth of a series, that provides forest and resource workers with information for monitoring and maintaining a fish-friendly culvert crossing.
While the use of closed-bottom culverts has been used for some time, little information was available to potential forest industry users about planning and design, installation procedures, and appropriate monitoring protocols.
To address this gap, FPInnovations has been working with British Columbia’s Fish Passage Technical Working Group to develop a series of visually oriented, technically brief info-pamphlets for the various construction phases and site suitability for the use of streambed simulation; a closed-bottom structure for fish-stream crossings need to provide aquatic habitat and passage through its length and mimic natural stream channel characteristics.
Other important considerations presented in this series and which are key to the successful implementation of a streambed simulation culvert include planning and design, culvert installation, and streambed material/construction.
The series includes the following guides:
- Stream simulation: Planning and design for closed-bottom structures for fish streams
- Streambed Simulation: Fish Management, Water Control, and Culvert Installation for Closed-bottom Stream Crossings
- Streambed Simulation: Streambed Construction, Infill Methods, and Rewatering for Closed-Bottom Stream Crossings
- Streambed Simulation: Monitoring and Maintaining a Fish-Friendly Culvert Crossing
To request a copy of the Streambed Simulation: Monitoring and Maintaining a Fish-Friendly Culvert Crossing brochure or for the three previous guides of the series, contact the FPInnovations library. For more information, please contact Clayton Gillies, Senior Researcher at clayton.gillies@fpinnovations.ca.