News release – FPInnovations and the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts present at Woodrise 2023 to promote Québec’s wood construction sector

Woodrise, the biannual international event on mid- and high-rise timber construction
and buildings, takes place from October 17 to 20 in France

Montréal (Québec), October 16, 2023 FPInnovations and Quebec’s Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts (MRNF) are joining forces to foster the development of Quebec’s mid- and high-rise wood construction industry at the Woodrise congress, a flagship event for the ecological transition in sustainable construction. Addressing the themes of decarbonization, competitiveness, and timber construction projects from around the world, the 4th edition of Woodrise takes place from October 17 to 20 in Bordeaux, France. The event will bring together over 3,000 participants from 20 different countries, some 50 keynote speakers, and more than 100 exhibitors.

Woodrise, one of the industry’s most awaited international events, aims to provide a showcase for international scientists and researchers, enabling them to present the various global issues surrounding mid- and high-rise timber construction and its integration into the sustainable city concept to the public and private construction sectors. During the three-day conference, FPInnovations will be leading three of the seven workshops, namely “Recent R&D work on fire safety in buildings,” “Dynamic performance of timber buildings workshop,” and “Securing innovation in wood construction projects.”

Woodrise was created in 2017 under the aegis of the four co-organizers: Institut technologique FCBA (France), FPInnovations (Canada), Building Research Institute and the Japan International Association for the Building and Housing Industry (Japan). The aim of this now key industry event is to contribute to the transformation of cities, the ecological transition of construction, and renovation and design with wood–all key elements of carbon neutrality.

Woodrise, by its relevance, has already established itself as a key event in the sustainable construction sector, bringing together the latest developments and innovations in wood construction from all over the world. FPInnovations is proud to have contributed to the thinking behind this showcase, which puts wood–a sustainable, environmentally friendly material–at the heart of discussions. Our team of scientists and researchers works tirelessly to develop innovative approaches, find new outlets for wood, and improve the performance of Canada’s forestry sector.
Stéphane Renou, President and CEO, FPInnovations

About FPInnovations
FPInnovations is a not-for-profit organization that specializes in creating solutions in support of the Canadian forest sector global competitiveness. We accelerate the growth of the forest sector and contribute to the diversification of its products and markets. The organization is ideally positioned to perform state-of-the-art applied research, develop advanced technologies, and deliver innovative solutions to complex problems for every area of the sector’s value chains. Its research and development laboratories are located in Québec City, Montréal, and Vancouver, and technology transfer centres are located across Canada.

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Geneviève Mathieu
Media Relations, FPInnovations
866 727-7422