In the first half of 2020, FPInnovations organized six webinars that centred on approaches available to designers when rationalizing for climate change at small, remote crossings (recordings). These presentations reviewed relevant publicly available interactive map climate tools for B.C., case studies in northern and southern B.C., and developments in available climate tools.
Topic of the final webinar
This final webinar of the series presents two case study crossings on the West Coast by detailing how professional judgement plays a central role in:
- design flood hydrology calculations using available data, and
- the use and interpretation of available climate tools that modify the design to create climate change resilience.
Lee Deslauriers from StoneCroft Engineering will take us through the design process using the regional method at one crossing and the rational method at the other. During the presentation, Matt Kurowski from FPInnovations will show how the choices between and within climate tools affect climate change projection outputs, while Lee will share his rationale for how and whether to use results from various climate tools.
The webinar will utilize polls to encourage participants to weigh in on presented steps of the design process to reveal any consensus and/or points for discussion amongst the group and panel.
Who should participate?
This free webinar series is open to all. It is designed for professionals involved in the design and management of resource road infrastructure working in B.C. However, the issues and approaches to solutions that will be covered are also relevant to professionals across Canada.
Event details
Thursday, January 14, 2021
10–11:30 a.m. PST
Jeremy Fyke, Ph.D. (Canadian Centre for Climate Services)
Paul Mysak, P.Eng. (Onsite Engineering Ltd.)
Arelia Schoeneberg, M.Sc. (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium)
Kari Tyler, M.Ed. (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium)
Register for/join this event
This series was developed in coordination with and with funding from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
For information or questions, contact Matt Kurowski, 604-222-5727.