On July 7, 2021, the Canadian government published a new regulation on the formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products (CANFER, SOR / 2021-148) which prohibits the import, sale, or offer for sale of composite wood products that emit formaldehyde beyond established limits. This new regulation will be effective January 7, 2023 for most composite products, and January 7, 2028 for laminated products.
All companies involved in the various stages of manufacturing composite wood products, including panel and laminated products manufacturers, are affected by this measure.
You are concerned by this measure? We can help you!
Do not hesitate to contact FPInnovations’ specialists to have your products tested and to evaluate your formaldehyde emissions. FPInnovations is an ISO 17025-2017 accredited laboratory and has all the necessary equipment to perform the various analyses.
For more information, please contact Diane Schorr, researcher and Mathieu Gosselin, principal technician from FPInnovations’ Advanced Wood Materials group.
See FPInnovations’ InfoNote to learn more.