Take part in FPInnovations 2022 benchmarking of bleached and unbleached kraft pulps

FPInnovations invites mills worldwide to measure and benchmark the quality of their kraft pulp.

Benefit from FPInnovations’ expertise in benchmarking (with previous studies conducted in 2003, 2007, 2011, and 2017-2018) and obtain credible independent assessment of your product in relation to the competitors.

To address the increasing production of unbleached kraft pulps worldwide for manufacturing paper-based packaging products to replace plastics, FPInnovations will be benchmarking both fully bleached and unbleached kraft pulps.

A series of tests used to characterize pulps and evaluate their paper, tissue, and packaging making potential will be conducted in FPInnovations ISO-accredited laboratory. The reports issued cover an array of bleached and unbleached kraft pulps criteria and properties. Any specific information pertaining to the mills—such as process conditions or type of end-use products for which the pulp is intended—will remain strictly confidential.

New for 2022, FPInnovations and Brian McClay Associates (BMA) partner to offer unique insights on bleached and bleached kraft pulps and on business intelligence.

FPInnovations has collaborated with BMA to offer its members and partners a unique opportunity to benchmark the quality of their bleached and unbleached kraft pulp as well as provide them with business intelligence reports. In addition to FPInnovations’ expert pulp quality benchmark study, the experts at BMA have reviewed the market for bleached and unbleached kraft pulps to provide customers quantifiable insight in areas that directly impact their bottom line. Critical to the mill’s success is also its ability to bring to the surface essential data points that could drive its competitiveness and economic health assessed through global benchmarking in cost comparison, total mill viability, and carbon emissions.

Collectively, these competitive comparisons help guide product, infrastructure investment, sales, and marketing decisions, and are powerful tools to drive key business decisions.

Sample submissions are being accepted between now and December 1, 2022. FPInnovations members benefit from an exclusive discount on FPInnovations’ benchmarking of bleached and unbleached kraft pulps.

For more information, contact Xuejun Zou, Manager, Products & Services or Nathalie Lafleur, Technologist in FPInnovations’ Product Performance Testing.