Digital Transformation 


Provide comprehensive field support service to help forestry contractors move towards modern connectivity solutions

Industry at the

Advantages for contractors 

Fuel savings thanks to greater machine precision
Potential improvement in fuel consumption on an hourly basis 
Instantaneous thanks to operational analysis algorithms
Real-time monitoring of teams productivity

High-quality data collection

Substantial increase in bonuses thanks to precise lengths

Rapid growth in profitability

Significant savings on fuel consumption ($/L) and yield ($/m3)

Myriam Delmaire

Forest Engineer at Groupe de Scieries G.D.S. Inc.

« Connectivity really helped us with general management of our sites, our contractors (…) can get immediate support in any time of the day. »

(video in French)


To facilitate training and use a simple, versatile tool, FPInnovations has tested and selected a software package that standardizes the processing of the vast amount of data made available by modern equipment.

This simplified approach ensures the data is uniform across machines and regions, enabling cutting histories to be created; as a result, operators no longer have to manage different information for each job site.

Standardizing Operations

Field crews of contractors must take control measures to validate the quality of the calibration process. FPInnovations’ experts ensure that forestry personnel do this optimally to guarantee the accuracy of this important work.


This quality calibration process increases foresters’ confidence in the data acquired. What’s more, the products delivered meet mill expectations.

Precision Work

The Internet in the forest is now accessible to all, making it possible to transmit live data and obtain the information required very quickly, whether the expert is near or far. Live monitoring tools detect anomalies in real time, and corrective action can be taken quickly.

Using connected on-board software, forestry contractors can send or receive data, and make local or cloud-based backups, thus avoiding the many possibilities for human error.

Communication and Live Analysis

As part of MEIE’s Offensive de Transformation Numérique (OTN) for digital transformation, FPInnovations has been mandated to support forestry contractors towards modern connectivity solutions with a comprehensive field support service 

Contact us

For more information about the team, any of our projects or our website, please contact us :

With the financial support of