Getting started with FPInnovations’ Research Library

online library

Our Research Library is a unique digital collection of over 10,000 documents covering over 50 years of research. Find research reports, guides, pamphlets, and more with just a click of the mouse. As well, we have recently begun adding recorded webinars to our collection. You can access the Research Library at

We have redesigned the library’s landing page to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for and to highlight the newest additions to our collection. The new and improved search engine includes searches of the full text of reports instead of relying only on keywords or abstracts to find documents. The user-friendly interface also offers a quick-start option so you can target searches by forest-industry sector.

Quick guide to get you started

Ready to begin accessing this valuable resource? Consult our simple, one-page guide to get the most out of your search experience. In addition to outlining the library’s numerous features, it offers tips so you can get what you want quickly. As well, the guide takes members step by step through a simple registration process so they can access information that is confidential to their sector.

Virtual bookstore

Are you looking for printed versions of our publications? Visit our virtual bookstore on Amazon. As with the library, new and historical titles are continually being added to the bookstore.

Get the latest information

Stay current on our latest publications! We are continually updating the collection, so remember to drop by often to check out the latest in cutting-edge research. You can also subscribe to our newsletters to get the latest information sent directly to your inbox.

For more information on our online Research Library and bookstore, please contact Roberta Roberts at To find an expert in a specific research area for a current member project, please email

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