FPInnovations’ recent publications – October 2020

The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated to October 31, 2020. Now included in the collection: recorded webinars and presentations!

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Development of wood fibre insulation as construction material. Exploring new attributes in fire performance
Report is restricted to members of Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts.


Applications and benefits of an automated dispatch system for log trucks. FPInnovations Web Conference, June 11 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Applications et bénéfices d’un système automatisé de répartition de camions forestiers. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 11 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Cable tensile forces in winch-assist harvesting. Assessment of a Falcon Winch-Assist tethering a feller director
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Evaluating a selective harvest operation as a forest fuel treatment as a forest fuel treatment. A case study in a mature Douglas-fir forest in central interior British Columbia

Évaluation de câbles d’arrimage en fibre synthétique gainé de plus grand diamètre

Evaluation of log load wrappers made from larger diameter and jacketed synthetic ropes

Evaluation of synthetic ropes for cable logging and potential applications in grapple yarding
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Forest fuel characterization at the Quesnel airport (fuel management treatment unit 14A). Collecting forest stand data as inputs to fuel management tools

Helitorch redesign: field test results and modifications
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.

Leçons tirées des ateliers sur la précision des multifonctionnelles. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 23 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Modeling the pavement friendliness of widebase steering tires. FPInnovations Web Conference, June 25, 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Nouvelle méthode d’estimation de l’impact sur les routes de camions munis de pneus à bande larges. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 9 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Oriented pile flammability research summary 2019. Collaborations with Mosaic Forest Management and British Columbia Wildfire Service

Partial cutting to improve fiber supply and forest resilience. FPInnovations Web Conference, June 16 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Prévention des incidents thermiques
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Private cellular network in forestry, results, costs and opportunities. FPInnovations RISF Webinar, June 18 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Réduisez votre poids à vide et obtenez plus de charge utile avec des pneus à bandes larges. Découvrez si une huile hydraulique haut de gamme pour votre abatteuse-façonneuse en vaut le coût. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 4 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Réseau cellulaire privé en foresterie, résultats, coûts et opportunités. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 18 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Roadmap to implementing electronic logging devices in Canada. Be Ready! Electronic logging devices will be mandatory shortly. FPInnovations Web Conference, June 30, 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Soutenir les approvisionnements forestiers et la résilience des forêts en utilisant les coupes partielle. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 16 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Soyez prêt! Approche pour la mise en oeuvres de dispositifs de consignation électronique au Canada. Webinaire, Programme Opérations Forestières Conférence, 30 juin 2020
Video is restricted to members of Forest Operations.

Thermal event prevention
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.


Encapsulation of mass timber floor surfaces, report to Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd.

Flame spread in concealed mass timber spaces, report to Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd.

Industrialized construction program. Machining optimization: equipment and software suppliers
Report is restricted to members of Wood Products.









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