The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated and is now available for the period ending August 31, 2020.
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Development of wood fibre insulation as construction material. Exploring new attributes in fire performance
Report is restricted to members of Pulp, Paper and Bioproducts.
Assessment of ABS electronic control unit failures on trailers
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Automatic lubrication systems
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Best practices for creating reliable steep resource roads
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Dégradation de l’isolation des remorques réfrigérées, méthodes d’essai
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Évaluation d’un système d’évitement des collisions avant sur les camions lourds d’une flotte forestière
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Évaluation des défaillances des unités de commande électronique du système ABS sur les remorques
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Evaluation of a collision avoidance system on heavy-duty trucks in a forestry fleet
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Evaluation of wide-base single tires for a 9-axle b-train log truck
Geosynthetics design guide. Reinforcement solutions for unpaved roads
Guide d’utilisation des géosynthétiques pour le renforcement des routes non revêtues
Ground-based mechanized direct seeding in British Columbia. Management guidelines
Internet of the forest: LTE network in forest operations
Internet de la forêt: réseau LTE en opérations forestières
National handheld infrared scanner usage survey
Real-time collection of temperature lapse rate data from aircraft for use in fire operations
Refrigerated trailers degradation of insulation, test methods
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Remotely piloted aircraft systems. Evaluation of platforms for hotspot detection on wildfires
Systèmes de lubrification automatique
Report is restricted to members of Forest Operations.
Validating the GS-61 on-board mixing system for water-enhancer use with heavy helicopters
Compendium de prestation de valeur de FPInnovations, juin 2020
FPInnovations’ Value Delivery Compendium, June 2020
The Nanocellulose Challenges program
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Development of CLT products with improved fire performance
Développement d’un procédé de densification en continu
Report is restricted to members of Wood Products.
Effet des paramètres de conception sur la performance vibratoire des planchers massifs en bois
Effect of design parameters on mass timber floor vibration performance
Expanding wood use towards 2025: a proposal for evaluating heat-resistant adhesives of NLGA SPS 5 and NLGA SPS 6 products
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Expanding wood use towards 2025: assessment and monitoring of high-rise timber building vibration
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Expanding wood use towards 2025: part 1 calculating fire resistance of wood-frame floor elements
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Industrialized construction: light wood-frame construction costing comparison, site-built vs closed panelized vs modular
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Industrialized construction: mass timber construction cost comparison to concrete frame for 8- to 12- storey buildings
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Industrialized construction: status of Canadian sector, part 1
Report is restricted to members of FPInnovations.
Vivre avec le bois, dynamique des marchés: enquête auprès des consommateurs. Rapport 3
Vivre avec le bois, dynamique des marchés: proposition de valeur. Rapport 5
Vivre avec le bois, dynamique des marchés: tendances des marchés nord-américains. Rapport 2
Low-density OSB. Pilot plant study and techno-economic analysis