FPInnovations’ recent publications

The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications and recordings has been updated to March 31, 2021.

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Carbon assessment framework.  Construction bio-additives
Restricted to members of Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts

Guideline for bio-sourced concrete additives
Restricted to members of Pulp, Paper, and Bioproducts


Development of high-capacity shear wall for light wood-frame construction

Développement de murs de cisaillement à haute capacité pour la construction à ossature en bois


Auxiliary power sources and heating and cooling solutions
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Catalogue de services Opérations forestières 2021-2022

Climate change and environmental impacts. Comparative life cycle assessment of resource road bridges

Essais pour évaluer l’incidence des couvre-radiateurs sur la consommation de carburant
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Évaluation de la technologie de télécommunication TV White Space en opération forestière

Evaluation of the TV White Space telecommunication technology in forestry operations

Evaporation rates, assessing the evaporation rates of water, foam, and water-enhancers

Fish passage assessment at culverted sites.  Rapid field measurements to determine the likelihood of a barrier to fish passage.  A practical guide for forest and resource workers

Implementing electronic logging devices in forest operations
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Improving the performance of critical sections of forest roads with the use of geosynthetic materials
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

In-stand drop footprint mapping using S-61N helicopters

On-field drop footprint mapping using S-61N helicopters

Outils d’aide à la récolte des peuplements affectés par la tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette (TBE)

Quantifying the benefits from road seasoning
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Recovery rates of suppressants from heavy helicopter drops

Seasonal flammability of forest fuels. Implementing modified oxygen consumption calorimetry to estimate the flammability of black spruce and tamarack

Services directory Forest Operations 2021-2022

Sources d’alimentation auxiliaires et solutions de chauffage et de refroidissement
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Testing for evaluating the impact of radiator winter fronts on fuel consumption
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

What are biomass heat maps?

Wildfire suppressant rheology.  Impact of water quality on water-enhancer viscosity


Carbon assessment framework.  Comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of 6-storey wood and steel buildings
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Carbon assessment framework. Comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) of flooring and siding alternatives
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Carbon metrics for R-22 light-frame wood walls in Vancouver
Restricted to members of FPInnovations

Expanding wood use towards 2025: modelling guide for timber structures, year 1

Installation of an exterior field test
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Mise en place d’un site d’exposition extérieure
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Testing R22+ wood-frame walls for hygrothermal performance in the Vancouver climate: field wall performance