FPInnovations’ recent publications

View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library. Click on any title for more information.


5th Wildfire Detection Workshop summary

Anecdotal information on suppressant efficacy from Type 1 helicopters – Insights from Alberta’s 2021 wildfire season

Assessing and increasing bridge load ratings, a forest industry primer
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Assessing the feasibility of night-time heli-tanking operations using night-vision imaging systems (NVIS)

Automation with FPI crane test, bed and beyond
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

The bio-hub concept, biomass recovery and potential application
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Evaluation of a partial cut trial in Hornepayne, Ontario
Restricted to members of FPInnovations

Les bancs d’essai d’automatisation de FPI, Perspectives
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Log haul tractor shock and vibration analysis
Restricted to members of FPInnovations

Optimizing tractor/trailer tare weight to increase productivity
Restricted to members and affiliates of FPInnovations

Outil de gestion forestiere sur la vulnerabilité au climat
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Overview and on-road tests with CNG trucks
Restricted to members of Forest Operations and partners of PIT Group

An overview of how to use the climate vulnerability forest management tool
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Reducing soil disturbance in forest operations
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations

Remote sensing at local scales for operational forestry

Research Roadmap: Determining the value proposition of advanced night-time firefighting operations

Résumé des essais opérationnels d’un système de surveillance de la pression des pneus
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Summary of operational tests with a tire pressure monitoring system
Restricted to members of Forest Operations

Survol et essais routiers avec camions au GNC
Restricted to members of Forest Operations and partners of PIT Group

Transport solutions avancée de données
Restricted to members and affiliates of Forest Operations


Expanding wood building solutions beyond NBC 2020: mass timber diaphragm solutions for tall hybrid buildings
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Expanding wood use towards 2025: floor vibration performance 2022-23 year progress report : case studies of hollow mass timber floors
Restricted to members of Wood Products

Industrialized construction. Evaluation of structural performance of connections and shear walls with OLS used as framing members
Restricted to members of FPInnovations

Recommendations for determination of design values for shear walls in GB50005
Restricted to members of FPInnovations

Testing R22+ wood-frame walls for hygrothermal performance in the Vancouver climate: final performance report
Restricted to members of FPInnovations

Transformation numérique des opérations forestières. Webinar le 29 mars 2023

Visit FPInnovations’ online research library for searchable access to the full collection that covers over 50 years of research related to forest operations, wood products, pulp and paper, and bio-sourced products.

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