View the list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications, and recordings, as well as other items recently made available through the research library. Click on any title for more information.
Assessing the distribution of a local relative humidity dome created through large scale water cannon implementation
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Wildfire adaptations for resource roads in British Columbia
Wildfire risks to resource roads in British Columbia
Accoitre l’utilisation du bois jusqu’en 2025, 4e année. Construire en Bois, Programme Produits du bois. Réunion de PIRR (RISF), le 12 janvier 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Building with Wood – three RISF presentations, January 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Codes and standards. Building with Wood RISF presentation, January 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Codes et normes relatifs aux produits du bois. Construire en Bois, Programme Produits du bois. Réunion de PIRR (RISF), le 12 janvier 2023
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Construction hors-site. Construire en Bois, Programme Produits du bois. Réunion de PIRR (RISF), le 12 janvier 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Construire en Bois, Programme Produits du bois. Réunion de PIRR (RISF), trois présentations le 12 janvier 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Expanding wood use towards 2025, Year 4. Building with Wood RISF presentation, January 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Highlights of the IFQRG-19 virtual symposium 2022
Restricted to members of Forest Operations
Offsite construction. Building with Wood, RISF presentation, January 2023
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Lumber drying: Three presentations for the Wood Products Research Information Sharing and Feedback (RISF), December 1, 2022. Ultra-fast, flexible and agile drying; Optimization of drying programs to minimize seasonal impacts; Real-time air-drying prediction
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Séchage du bois Programme Produits du Bois, Partage d’Information sur la Recherche et Rétroaction, (PIRR), le 1 décembre 2022 Séchage ultra-rapide, agile et flexible Optimisation des programmes de séchage pour minimiser les impacts saisonniers Prédiction en temps réel du séchage à l’air libre
Restricted to members and affiliates of Wood Products
Visit FPInnovations’ online research library for searchable access to the full collection that covers over 50 years of research related to forest operations, wood products, pulp and paper, and bio-sourced products.
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