The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications and recordings has been updated to March 31, 2021. Want to stay current on our latest publications or information? Subscribe to our newsletters! BIOPRODUCTS PULP & PAPER…
The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports, publications and recordings has been updated to February 28, 2021. BIOPRODUCTS On-line characterization of wood chip brightness and chemical composition by means of visible and near-infrared spectroscopy…
The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated to January 31, 2021. Now included in the collection: recorded webinars and presentations! Want to stay current on our latest publications or information?…
Did you miss a recent Research Information Sharing and Feedback (RISF) meeting? Would you like to review an FPInnovations webinar that you attended? Or are you perhaps looking for information on a particular topic that…
The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated to October 31, 2020. Now included in the collection: recorded webinars and presentations!
Our Research Library is a unique digital collection of over 10,000 documents covering over 50 years of research. Find research reports, guides, pamphlets, and more with just a click of the mouse. As well, we…
The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated and is now available for the period ending August 31, 2020.
The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated and is now available for the period ending May 31, 2020. To obtain a copy of a publication, send your request to,…
The list of FPInnovations’ most recent reports and publications has been updated and is now available for the period ending March 31, 2020. To obtain a copy of a publication, send your request to,…